Something odd? Yes! The Cry Baby got some addional stuff to play with. I added a switch which changes between the guitar and the bass version and a "Vocal" pot. The vocal pot is a really great addition. It adds a lets call it a wah intensity control. Since the bass and the guitar version of this pedal are exactly the same pedal with just a single different resistor, this mod switches between this two resistors. This mods can be done with the Original Crybaby GCB-95 and some Vox Wahs. They got the same circuit. Dunlop has built some Wahs for Vox in the past. I don't know if they are still doing it. The next thing would be a volume mod because the intensity mod eats a slight amount of volume.
Did Justin Timerlake use this device for his famous song?..if yes, do you want to become the Austrian J.T. now? - i saw you got the dancing skills and the fancy looks as well.... i'll call you Justin Timberlake of the Alps!
Did Justin Timerlake use this device for his famous song?..if yes, do you want to become the Austrian J.T. now? - i saw you got the dancing skills and the fancy looks as well.... i'll call you Justin Timberlake of the Alps!
AntwortenLöschenVery useful mod, I think.
AntwortenLöschenDon´t break your ankles now!
With or without mods, you still get what you pay for. I think you can do whatever you want to this thing and it will still suck. :)